Friday, November 28, 2014 |

Good Husband

"Choosing a Husband
who will take you by the hand to Jannah,
in sha Allah 

THIS is a matter of choosing your Husband - the person who you will spend most of your time with; give your love and energy to. He will be the father of your children and your companion on the path to jannah in sha Allah.

You will need a plan to guide you to know what a prospect really will be like as a husband, to stay emotionally safe while the relationship is growing, and to make healthy choices that will lead to a fulfilling marriage.

NOTHING else has the potential to effectively improve the quality of your life, your work, your health, your faith, your children, your entire world and hereafter as your life partner, your husband. Imagine the security and confidence you'll feel as you build the foundation of your relationship with your potential husband in a correct way that contributes to a happy everlasting marriage in sha Allah.

These are the rewards of learning and implementing this valuable information in sha Alla - having a husband that:

Will bring you closer to Allah
Is your best friend and companion
Brings you true love, mercy and tranquility
Will support you on the path to jannah
Cares about you and the people you love and the things you love to do
Will love you and be patient, caring, and understanding with you in easy and difficult times
Will be the best father to your children
Will work with you for the betterment of this nation and for the world
You will enjoy the simple but beautiful things in life with
Will help you be a better person
You will grow old and happy with