Saturday, October 15, 2011 |

kita adalah tanah, tanah adalah kita

Pertanyaan paling aneh hari ini? “Kenapa manusia kembali dikuburkan ke tanah?” Pak Rida, dosen jurusan ilmu tanah, Universitas padjadjaran bertanya di praktikum survey EVLAN acara Soil Treasure, 15 Oktober 2011.
Karena, manusia memang berasal dari tanah pak, makanya kembali ke tanah. Salah! Kata pak rida. Yang lain lagi menjawab karena ya ada di Kitab Suci pak bahwa manusia diciptakan dari segumpal tanah. Yah itu mah jawabannya anak TK! Lah terus apa dong jawabannya??
Ternyata,,,,, karena,Unsur-unsur yang ada di manusia itu hampir sama dengan unsur-unsur yang ada didalam tanah. Seperti kandungan zat besinya, silika nya, belum lagi karbohidrat, protein, dl. Dan ternyata itu belum semua, masih banyak misteri kandungan unsur yang ada didalam tanah yang belum terbongkar, yah seperti yang saya bilang tadi, masih misteri. Jadi yel-yel anak himpunan ilmu tanah yang sudah sering kita denger, seperti,,
We Are Soil,, ! Solid!
Itu bener dong.. bukan karena kita adalah himpunan mahasiswa ilmu tanah tapi karena kita adalah tanah itu sendiri. Dan tanah itu sendiri adalah, kita. Ya tentunya, manusia jua disempurnakan oleh ruh dari ilahi, dan keistimewaan2 lainnya. Tapi secara fana’ nya  atau sifat kedunia-annya, manusia itu ya berasal dari tanah itu sendiri.! Gak heran kalo kita temui mayat2 manusia yang sudah dikubur didalam tanah beberapa tahun lamanya dan setelah dilihat kembali ternyata hanya tinggal tulang-belulangnya saja. Ya because we are so solid with the soil. 
Wah Subhanallah, maha besar Allah ya ..
here, we learn:
Mikrobiology and others mikromakro fauna and flora that use to increase Kesuburan Tanaman. Yg pstinya terkait lg sama fisik, kimia, biologinya, and Land Evaluation: my favorite, here we talk land not only in agriculture tp lebih luas, like region planning, land use planning, land survey for many use; recreation, agrowisata, agriculture, daerah konservasi, reboisasi, sampe perumahan dan perkotaan. Perencanaan wilayah & pengembangan wilayah, and many excited thing more you can get here. And we can learn and do it all karena sebagai ahli tanah kita menguasai sifat fisik wilayah, jadi kita bisa mengembangkan suatu wilayah, kita lihat dari analisis wilayah/lahan, arahan penggunaan lahan, sampai basis dari wilayah tersebut.
Monday, October 10, 2011 |

I meet God, in my Sholat

Yes, not easy met God In our sholat indeed, if our sholat is just praying to pay the debt that prayer is a must, praying to escape from the powerlessness of living, praying to expect that drean was never achieved in real life.  
If we want met God in our sholat, our sholat must be khusyu’. But how? The purpose of the prayer, is as a medium to ask for help to God, the Rule of all the events. So in fact the key to achieve khusyu’ meet with God in prayer, is actually very simple: make our prayers as a medium to vent to God. Thus, prayer is a medium to conduct a dialogue with God, pleading for help.
“when you have completed the prayer, rememmber Allah standing, sitting, and reclining. Then when you have to feel save, the establish the prayer. Verily prayer is an oblogation prescribed time over those who believe. (QS.An-Nisaa' 4:103).
Clearly, that khusyu’ is not only interaction with God in prayer, but also closely related to the attitude of prayer out. Reflections on the most basic prayer that should we get; khusyu’ in prayer outside, khusyu’ result in prayer. In other hands, to meet God in prayer to see God’s impact on the outside of prayer.
Life, is actually prayer itself. From birth through death. It also been carried out by all his creatures in this whole universe. The Qur’an says, that all the activities being meaningful worship when oriented to the Creator. Birds Fly, water flows, rain downs, celestrial bodies that are spinning in circles in prayer. In fact, all our organs and constituent cells are also praying. So, when will people worship?
We worship of course when we have sholat khusyu’. And when he do anything, which is oriented only to glorify God alone. He is one who always meet God in whatever he does. Never left his mind, his heart, his actions of oral, and whispered to him in such deep “kekhusu’an”.
Here, is the teaching of Abu Sangkan to achieve sholat khusyu; head tilted to the sky, so that the spirits is completely free from the body. Spirit of a model for the hands, feet, and bodies, in search of God (Allah), fused in kekhusyu’an worship (prayer).
By condition, Abu Sangkan message, the spirit must be independent of the body. If during this spirit exists because there are bodies, then pray at the time, the logic is reversed. Independent spirit, while the body can only keep silent. "When we were in the room, our bodies do not need to go far to find God (Allah). Let the spirit that moves us, went to his god (Allah), " 
"Once the spirit is really separated from the body, the body willprostrate themselves in silence," said Abu Sangkan.  Sholat, said Abu Sangkan, has a deeper meaning. Regardless of the context of religion, the perfection of prayer khusyu’ have significant correlation to the human body health. When Sujud, flowing blood flow to the brain due to head position is at the lowest part. Similarly while Ruku’, to train knee muscle strengthand thigh which invalidates the body in a tilted position.
                They sujud, declare surrender to God. Abu sangkan mentioned, to achieve khusyu’ in prayer the spirit and body, will return to him. That’s according to the Qur’an verse that states, return to your God, then go into my heaven ‘ila irji’l radhiyatan Mardiyah, fadkhuli fi ibadi, wadkhuli jannati’. St24.
So, let’s me get Sholat, when the greatness of ALLAHU AKBAR God is the absolute only.

Istighfar, one word that can clean human sin

Alhamdulillah, I’ve got this Tausiyah from one of Mousqe in Bandung. This amazing Tausiyah is about, one word that can clean every sin of human eventhough it biggest than the earth. Repeatedly mentions the word God in the Qur’an Istighfar one of which is in Surah Al Muzammil verse 20 where God says. “And istighfar to Allah, Allah is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
Yah Istighfar. But Istighfar without repetence (or TOBAT) doesn’t mean at all. In the Book Tazkiyyatunnufuus istighfar is usually explained by an oral request for pardon, while repentance is to stop the acts of sin with the heart and deeds. As human who have many sin we have to seek forgiveness, if God wills it is God’s approval and forgive any mistakes. Syarqowiy Ash once said that only blind people are going to fall on the same hole.
Therefore, seek forgiveness, should be accompanied by repentance, expressions of remorse and beg for forgiveness should be coupled with intention to quit sinning and determined not to repeat that sin forever.
First we talk about Istighfar,  Istighfar is begging for forgiveness or understanding containing maghfiroh from God, while maghfiroh of God is the God of protection from adverse effects of sin is accompanied by cover, means the person who got maghfirah of God will be spared from punishment or the next world disaster as a result of the sin that he was doing and also God will cover his sins so that later in the day of reckoning charity, sin does not appear in the notes to the angels.
Abu Hurairah said; I hear Rasulullah SAW told: “ By Allah, verily I asking forgiveness and repetence to God in one day more than seventy times.” (HR.Bukhari:5832).
Rasulullah, He had secured his Syurga by God and as a lover of God, remains istighfar 70 times a day, overnight. Of course we are slaves of sin is the more obliged to do so.
             Hopefully, we can do that, istighfar by repetence, to save our life in the world and akherat. amiinnn

Saturday, October 8, 2011 |