Monday, November 7, 2011 |

Meaning of life

Ya rasul,, memang benar iman ku kadang diatas kadang dibawah
Tapi aku juga tidak berbohong kalo aku sungguh ingin melihat wajahmu

Ya Rasul, kali ini aku ingin tahu apa arti hidup itu untuk orang-orang. Jangan salahkan aku mengapa aku selalu menanyakan ini. Mengapa juga dunia ini begitu misteri..
What a meaning a life for you,,

For me life is just a mistery thing
From zero to present and be zero again
What a meaning of all of this?
Sometimes I feel bored in campus, sometimes I feel so excited.
Sometimes I pray diligently,, sometimes I pray lazily
Sometimes I’m happy and sometimes I’m sad
Sometimes I’m optimistic sometimes I’m pesimistic..
Yah that’s life
Difficult to be predicted!
But whatever happened, what we need is prepare our emosion to be well controlled. Like they called EQ 
Hmm and maybe I’m not good in keep consistent and control my emotion.

Why I write this on my blog because I’m 21 and I’m still don’t understand what a life is? And what a life for? If it’s true Islam is a true religion, but why they are poor and not be a success person. And why the amarican who not muslim is clever, smart, and more sucees than us, as muslim?

Whether the answer again and again is just time problem. Maybe in 2011, life is dominated by them. But whether we just accpet the fate?
If we talking about fate? We cant do anything, and like I said before.
Life is just mistery…

But I agree with this statement:
Life isn’t about the destination but the journey that gets us there ;D
Sooo meaningful
That we never stop our spirit.
And Maybe I’m wrong . searching the meaning about life is our big task big quetiont as human in through our life..
Maybe there are many of people outside that still don’t know their way of life
But everyones know ,
There’s death . everyone’s must be die, even every living thing must be die.
So, what the meaning of that?
There’s life there’s death too…
Yah , now I know, and we haven’t to forget it
Life is journey, while death is destinition,,
And in every religion must be told that after die there’s life, and that life I meant
Everyones know there’s life everyone know there’s death
Whatever people lifestyle, personality, or they believe and said  about the meaning of life,, but about life is jorney and death is the destination itself, is undeniably!

Whatever you are,,  like  ocean water with droplets of water in the finger, and we , just that droplet of water in finger.. sooo small

We just actor in this stage of life, we have task,, that must we do.. and our task is to choose the right way


K.A.A said...

Emang smua itu Misteri ilahi. Nice Posting. Salam kenal Fani

Fani said...

thanks :D salam kenal yaa